Friday, May 2, 2014

Homemade Flaxseed Gel

Homemade Flaxseed Gel
Ingredients: ¼ cup of flaxseeds (2) cups of water (1) tbsp. organic coconut oil
Since becoming a natural, my sister Ivory does NOT use gel at all in her type #4C hair; her coils are extremely kinky. Her hair is really thick and dense.  I mean, it feels like… I can’t even describe it- wool, maybe (smile). She tends to wear wash n go’s on a regular. Without using any gel. She just uses tons of conditioner. Her curl pattern is awesome, and her #shrinkage is definitely REAL! She decided to make some flaxseed gel. She said she’s heard some good things about it and since it’s a #natural alternative to using regular gel she would give it a try. I have added some pictures of her results before and after using the gel. She said it was Love at first use…

I personally don’t do wash n go’s. I just don’t like the thought of all that gel in my hair. But I just might have to whip up a batch of my own flaxseed gel and give it a try.

Let me know if any of you have ever tried it. What is your opinion? How were your results? I’d love to hear some of your stories.